Original Tracks on GarageBand for iOS iPad

My Garageband Originals Here’s my first set of tracks created with iPad-GarageBand for iOS specifically. I also have a Samson Carbon 49-key MIDI controller with a physical slot for the iPad. The Samson was also free via trade-in of a Zoom 8 track recorder/controller I won from Sam Ash in 2010. Free, portable beatmaking, y’all!Continue reading “Original Tracks on GarageBand for iOS iPad”

ADSR Preview SoundCloud Playlist

ADSR Playlist I’ve finally copied my self-produced MP3’s from my document cloud account to my sound cloud account. Most of the songs are instrumentals of songs I’ve written but not yet recorded vocals for. Others are instrumentals that I have no words for yet. The rest actually have been written and recorded. Nothing’s been professionallyContinue reading “ADSR Preview SoundCloud Playlist”